What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Monday, November 29

Look Through a Window
(Otherwise Known as Challenge #2)

Tonight on my way to JV, I had an interesting experience. As we were stopped at an intersection, I looked to the house on my right, and there, framed like a portrait in a gallery, were two young men washing dishes. You might not think anything special of that, but it got me thinking. Most houses you wouldn't see something like this--okay, besides the fact that a lot of guys that age wouldn't be washing dishes--because on most houses nowadays, there are curtains pulled firmly across the windows, especially at night on a ground floor room with people right in front of the window. But at this house, light spilled out of those windows, and the curains of other rooms were also wide open. Of course there's a need for privacy, but I never really noticed how uninviting this makes a house look until I saw the opposite.
Looking at those young men, I was amazed. They weren't just standing around with bored looks trying to get the washing done quickly. They appeared to be thoroughly enjoying their task, and going to it with a careful attitude. I loved seeing that. It was so neat to see such a 'mundane' task treated with reverence, respect and even joy. Made me want to knock on their door and get to know them.
It intrigued me, this gimpse into their world. As we continued to drive, I looked to see what I could see inside the lives of others. Here was a house with the start of Christmas lights glowing through the curtain sheers. There was a sliver of a room furnished with the normal chairs and coffee table. One house made me chuckle as one window opened into a slightly chaotic scene with many plants, and another two windows were 'curtained' with material that could have been used for a sarong. Brightly patterned, and glowing with the light behind them.
What are these people like? What is their point of view? Do they know God? Why are they happy? Why did they use that patterned cloth, did they need cheering up? Are there children preparing for Christmas? So many questions.
So. The Challenge for you and I, this week, this month, this time, is to look through at least one, maybe three, peoples' windows, and think about what you see. It doesn't have to be a real window, in fact, it may be preferable if it's not, but take a look around you and take note of the open windows. If someone around you is in pain, find out if you can help. If you don't know someone very well, ask for their story. Put yourself on their side of the glass, and take a look at the world through their eyes. That's my Challenge to you.

Need to be Needed

Need to be Needed

Today was pretty darn good, aside from the fact I now have a lecture report due, and I'm not sure if I will be able to do it at all... 'cause I'm not so sure about the lectures that are coming up, uh, on Wednesday--I don't think they're Humanities, which is the dicipline I need. But barring that...

Kinda funny... I got my first hug from a guy my age in a looong time today. And yeah, there was a reason for it. Pretty big guy... sweat pants on top of (and falling down) another set of sweat pants (or something similar--we hope), hat on diagonally... not straight, not sideways. Diamond-like stud earrings... shaved head. Pretty nice guy, though. He's in my english class, you see. And he'd been having trouble completing the test on our library skills we all have to do. The requirements say we must have 85%, but his highest score was 79% and the last day to do it was today. So the English prof asked if anyone could sit with him while he did it, and give him a hand. No one was saying yes, and I didn't mind helping, so I said sure. Well, he sure knew how to do everything! He went so speedily! He said it was from already doing it twice, and yes, that's understandable! I think his main problem was not copying and pasting the answers that were links, 'cause he didn't know you could. So when he would just type them in himself, he'd get maybe an extra capital where there wasn't supposed to be one (stupid, hey? that the name of an article on the computer system has the first word capitalized, but subsequent words not capitalized?) Also, I explained a bit more how to use the library's filing system (which is absolutely stupid in my opinion... dewey decimal makes so much more sense) But anyway, we did it, and then had to hurry the end, 'cause a class was coming in to use the computer room at the library, and we looked at his mark, and.... 100%!!! Yay!! (better than I got on mine!) We then barged into our prof's next class to tell her the good news. She laughed and described Evan as a 3-time vetran of the library test, and congratulated us both.
I like helping. I like to feel I'm doing something worthwhile. I like to be thanked for it. I often like a bit of praise for it too, but for the most part, I just get so much out of just *helping* that it is totally worthwhile. I was glowing for so long after that test today. It's why I always go to the boards where people are asking for help on my favorite website to waste time on (heh). It's why I love being a JV leader, and why I'd love to help start a youth group, or some outreach program. It's why I like trying to do things in secret for my mom, or to sort things out (not usually sucessfully in the secret department--that's one thing I need to get better at... doing things even if it's no longer a surprise). I need to feel needed.
I haven't felt too needed lately. It seems like the world would do just fine without Sarah helping it along. And that's probably true. Sometimes it feels like it'd do better without Sarah, but I guess that's not really true.
I'm not always sure when I'm helping though. That's why it's nice to get feedback on some of the things I post here. I'd love it if these posts--especially the devo ones and the challenges, when I get back into the groove of things--could be of use to people. But I don't know if people find them useful, really... Or if there's anything else they'd like to/rather see.
But anyway... What are the higher philosophical implications of needing to be needed? I haven't a clue, but it's something that seems sort of integral to us as humans. We want to be wanted, and need to be needed... um... heh *starts singing*
"I want you to want me
I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me"
okay, I'm signing out before I sing out...
"I'm beggin' you to beg me..." *fades into the distance*

Thursday, November 25

Can someone tell me what the point of living is?

'Cause I damn well don't know.


oh Lord no...


I failed my second EOS midterm...



Tuesday, November 23

Good News!

Well, here's a piece of exciting news!!
I'm getting baptised on the 19th of December!!!
With the timing, Meli should be back, and Davie should not yet have left... and, to top it off, Cale has bought tickets to Victoria! =oo =oD
Last year, I remember really wishing I'd done it around Christmastime... now I've got that chance. Man... What a great Christmas present! 'o)

God bless, all!

Having fun with anchors

Hey all... just FYI, I've added a little something to the page that should make it easier to navagate. That end link at the end of every post (after the comments and trackbacks) will pop you back to the top of the page. Nifty, huh? Gotta love html! =oD So I know *I* am tired of scrolling up and down... and maybe you are too--so now we don't have to! Yay! (Yes, I'm certifiably insane 'o)
More posts coming soon, I hope!
God bless!

Usefully Wise?: Ecclesiastes and Proverbs
("Session" 3)

Ecclesiastes 2:1-16 (NIV & NKJV, NASB) Proverbs 3 (NIV & NKJV, NASB)

All of Ecclesiastes 2 (NIV)

In synopsis, here the author of Ecclesiastes is saying that he tried giving himself every pleasure he desired, in today's terms, big house, cool car, parties, servants, and women... lots of them. His existance should have been perfect, at least in the world's eyes: he gave into anything his flesh desired. A perfect life? Ever wonder why so many rich, beautiful, famous people seem to have so many personal problems? We're coming back to the God-shaped vacuum. This is what the author of Ecclesiastes found. He should have been thrilled, but instead he found it was all meaningless. He says something interesting in verse 3: "I tried cheering myself with wine, and embracing folly-my mind still guiding me with wisdom." Looking at this, I have very intense doubts this could truly be done. It is not possible to truly embrace folly while being guided by wisdom--that's not God's wisdom, that's the 'wisdom' of the world. In verse nine, he says "wisdom stayed with me," even when he was being stupid. If this man is indeed Solomon, perhaps he is marvelling at how, even then, God was faithful to provide the wisdom He had promised. It's just another amazing example of how God's promises are one-way. So often God says to us: "I'll do this for you, and no matter what you do, I'll still do this for you." He knows we cannot ever keep up our end of the deal. Hey wait, tangent time! ...There's a bit from AKX that ties in here, we can't do anything to earn what God gives us for 3 reasons:
  • God needs nothing we have to offer. He created us, He has ultimate control. We can't cut a deal with God.

  • Christ already paid the price for us, there is no longer any debt to be paid.

  • And...I've forgotten the last one, I'll edit this when I get home. 'o)

Okay, off of the tangent and back on track. What I said about the God-shaped vacuum is clearly illustrated in verses 10-11, where although he had so much, he still says "nothing was gained under the sun." Ecclesiastes acknowledges that wisdom is better than folly, but also states that "the same fate overtakes them both." (v. 14) In v. 16, the author points out that the wise man, like the fool, will not long be remembered. I, at least, find it interesting that although scholars speculate that this book was written by Solomon, they are not sure, so the author has fulfilled his own 'prophesy'.
Proverbs, as usual, seems to illustrate a direct contradiction to the bleak outlook of Ecclesiastes. The chapter shows that wisdom is not meaningles at all, but very important, and to be highly regarded and sought after. Did you notice the difference? In Proverbs, wisdom is referred to as a woman, and the words used to illustrate the relationship we should have with wisdom all include action verbs. We're to find wisdom. To lay hold of wisdom. To embrace wisdom. What's the good of wisdom if you don't use it? That the author uses a personification to describe wisdom indicates to me that we need to have a relationship with "her" (wisdom). That means having a relationship with the Source of all wisdom, God. Take a look at verses 5&6, then immediately after look at verses 17&18. Check out the similarities, I find them rather neat. In both, we can must persue God and wisdom, but as a result of that, it makes life a little easier... or at least allows us to discern the path we need to be on.
Solomon also points out (v. 13-16)that wisdom is better than riches--something the author of Ecclesiastes still needed to learn. For some practical applications of wisdom, check out Proverbs 3: 21-35.

And now I'm going to be rushing to my Chem class (this post was longer than I'd expected!) So Cheerio!

God bless, and tune in next time!

Monday, November 22

oh, one more thing...

I'm aware my blog looks funny to those of you using IE... it has the sidebar all mixed up and way down yonder... =o( I'm working on fixing that, although so far I can't for the life of me find what was changed that would do that. It's a shame, too, 'cause my sidebar just got a little spiffier (I think, anyway!) with the addition of my changed link buttons... (and yes, I know all my linked 'thank yous' don't yet have buttons, but they'll be coming soon, I hope) SO! If you want to check it out properly (and of course you do, hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge), try it in netscape... if it's still looking odd (haven't got netscape yet, so haven't tried it), download Firefox (aaaawesome browser, the best! download here), I *know* it works in that. =oP

Anyway.. 'night all!

More of Ecclesiastes and Proverbs

Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 (NIV & NKJV, NAS) Proverbs 2 (NIV & NKJV, NAS)

All of Ecclesiastes 1 (NIV)

Okay, so I know it's about time I continued on the theme I started here, but things have been hectic lately (not really much of an excuse, though). Oh well, I took notes on these chapters over a month ago, and got a tiny start on a post about them, but I figure now I may as well start over, as it's muchly outdated.

In Ecclesiastes, the author is saying that wisdom in meaningless, but in Proverbs, Solomon stresses that it is rewarding. So what makes the difference? It seems rather a contradiction, especially if Solomon did indeed write both books.
Ecclesiastes says he pursued wisdom and knowledge—-to the point where he could say his wisdom surpassed all the previous kings of Jerusalem. (v. 16) Indeed this man sought to understand wisdom and knowledge itself, but it was simply a "chasing after the wind." (v. 17)
Proverbs, however, says that if we seek wisdom diligently, we will understand the fear of the LORD, and "knowledge will be pleasant to your soul" (v. 10) --a far cry from the pessimistic view in Ecclesiastes that predicts wisdom just causes pain! (v. 18)
Looking at these verses, it seems to me that the difference may be in what we seek wisdom about, and why. For instance, if we seek wisdom from the LORD, or seek wisdom about Him, we will be rewarded with the knowledge we gain, because it will draw us closer to Him, and help us serve Him. But if we simply seek knowledge for its own sake, or for our own gratification, it will not be the same. Because the knowledge we gain won't be used for deepening our relationship with Him, we feel a longing to do so, and it translates into an emptiness. Really, it's what always happens to us when we don't include God as a focal point of our life and actions. It's the "God-shaped vacuum" that makes us feel empty when we're not pursuing Him—-even if we have all the wealth, fame, and knowledge in the world.

Over and out for now, two more Ecclesiastes/Proverbs posts coming soon, plus another two general intrest posts... I hope. 'o)

God bless,
Ten-Four, Good Buddies.

Saturday, November 20

Planned Expansion in this Sector (Hardhats Required)

Kay, this is just a quick post to say that after work this one'll disappear, and I'll be posting a longer post about my current readings... or not so current, but I'll be continuing on the train of devo thought I left so long ago.
The purpose of this post is so that if I don't get to the next post, you can all kick me and tell me to get it done, already!
God bless

Thursday, November 18

. . . .s . n . i . p . p . e . t . s. . . .


  • I feel like I'm climbing a mountain with no end in sight.
                  No end at all?

Every time I reach a summit, ¤ Every time I finish one thing,
another one lies just beyond. ¤ another one waits in its place.

      • I've come to realize many things about life, about my life; wrongs that need to be mended, changes that need to be made, questions that
        need to be asked.

  • I need more sleep.

    • I have found out for 100% sure I am going to Colorado this summer. In June I'll spend 3 glorious days with 11 other young women with hearts for God! Praise the Lord!

          • A project which has taken me approximately 2 hours to complete once I started, took 2 weeks of fiddling beforehand.

  • two people working + one person without work = much less work completed

  • two people working > one person working

  • work is not bad.

      • Find it curious that most often, posts with the most meaning get almost no comments, and posts with little substance get many.

    • Wow... so that’s why my ankle’s been tender. Nice bruise. No idea why.

        • My hand hurts when I stretch it out, too.

      • I have to squint too much to read some fonts online. My eyes get tired.

  • My back, neck, shoulders all ache most of the time...

    • ...I feel old... and it sure isn't maturity of mind that makes me feel that way!

...I made the marquee tag do what I wanted it to...
          • I made a dinner that included my first attempt at cheese sauce... and it was good, too!

      • I keep hearing about weddings, and marriages. I want to be married. Tough. God's not finished with me yet.

  • I've cut my tongue a hundred times,
  • when I bit off something that shouldn't be said...
              ...and cut hearts a thousand times when I didn't.

          • On Monday, I led the study for JV (Junior Varsity—Awana for grades 7&8) I decided to do the study on peace, and I hope I did all right. It seemed to go better than I expected, despite getting my cross stuck, and being less organized than I tried to be (and forgetting just where it was I wanted which verse to be read... I also got the order of verses I wanted read wrong, but I got the main ones right, which was good), but what I really want is the message to have gotten through. I'm sure there were things I could have done better. Read Romans 5:1-11.

  • Mary Ann thanked me for doing the JV that week. And complimented me. That was nice of her.


      • Going to one class a day is getting to be a

    • Did research on rocks we collected on the beach in our Geog lab groups. Let Shawn put what he liked. Couldn't think.
      ...You know, although he's annoying, he's not as bad as he once seemed. Is that a good sign or a bad sign?

            • Didn't get to see One-man Lord of the Rings again, Geography lab was right on top of it.

              A shame.

    • Finished annotated bibliography for English.

      • I'm happy it's the weekend next, but I work on Saturday, that means I'll have little time to get my work done. Good thing I did the calculations for chem lab yesterday.

  • Found out how much I can get attached to a mass of pixels, am mourning the loss of said mass. It was blue and had a great grin. Possible to get it back? Maybe.

        • Mother told me that research has shown that some sort of eye disease stems from spending too much time in front of the computer screen. I wonder how many billions were spent on that research? The amount per day they found this on was 9 hours. I predict next year they'll discover the same thing, only for say, 8 hours a day.


                  • School will be over.

                • Christmas will be here.

            • I'll give Kathleen her birthday present.

          • I'll give someone else *last* year's Christmas present.

        • It will be the weekend.

  • I'll get to go to akx.

  • I'll pray.

        • Tomorrow evening two of the elders from my church, Bob Gill and John Sheppy, will be coming over and talking to me...interviewing me... about my faith. It's for baptism. I always thought there would be some sort of ... course? I would take... but apparently all they need is to talk with me about my beliefs, my walk, the Lover of my life...
          I'll be baptized around Christmas, so Meli should be able to be there! Now I just have to work it out so that D won't be *gone*.
          I want to speak for myself when I am baptized. Where's the box I can check off to tell them that? When do I tell them that? When will they tell me the date of my baptism? Could I have Mr Mallett do the honours? Why didn't I think of asking him last week? Scratch that, I did think of it. Why didn't I do it?
          My life's chaotic now. What will they think when I say I've hardly picked up my Bible the last few days?
            I get to wear a black robe.

          • Part of me wishes I could be baptised at camp, but the other half knows there's many friends and family here, even people I don't know that well in the church who would like to see it, and you never know, it might even benefit them.

        • What could be more wonderful than being dunked?

            • The symbol of dying to sin, and rising again?

    • For the One who died for sin, and rose again.

Thank You, precious Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, November 16

Okay, *such* a Copy Cat!!!!!

Okay, now the quiz is up properly! Enjoy... Muahahahaha... *laughs maniacally*

or at least it was a quiz... pah. =op it decided not to give me a proper addy or something... =o( So I'll have to re-do it later and post the real one... the links don't work! =oD =op thankyou... and I'm on my way to class...

Yes... it's a quiz... Hello, my name is "Doozy of a Quiz" and to see how you all fail miserably... here's the Scoreboard of Doom!

*laughs* okay! okay! maybe it's not that hard... but I'd be killing me if I was my friend and took my quiz! =op so please don't hurt me! Just guess... you might get a higher mark. 'o)

Anyway... it occurs to me I should have left for one of my classes by now.... =o| yeah, I'm gone. =oP

Thursday, November 11

Lest We Forget

Yesterday and today were days of remembering. Last night the Langford Bible study was a special Remembrance Day one. We watched a tape of the commemoration ceremony for the 60th anniversary of D-Day, and afterwards read a couple of verses and a story about enemies coming together in God's presence even during war time. It was held in Normandy, right along the beach where the Allies landed, and in the open air. A large group of singer/actors did a number of pieces (in French, so I couldn't understand the words, but the meaning was often clear... or at least the feeling) that were absolutely beautiful. They had different people come up and speak about the influence that battle of Normandy has had on their lives. Narrators in French and English gave parts of the history of the battle, while scenes, pictures and video clips from the time played on large fabric sheet/screens in the background. All in all, the ceremony was very moving, and I just about shed tears when the story of how a bagpiper was instructed to start playing, because the Allies had come to rescue Normandy was told, and a bagpiper began the refrain of Amazing Grace. I can't begin to fathom what the men who fought on that beach sixty years ago must have felt. To hear that tune... did it bring them straight back to the fearful, merciless, desperate day of fighting, when they heard the strains of hope cutting through the clash of battle...?

Today mom and I went down to the epitaph. We miscalculated traffic/parking, and so (with frustration and anger, I'm ashamed to admit) we missed the official minute of silence, but we went down anyway. It was... amazing. The guns were firing, once every minute. There were no cars for blocks, thanks to the blockaded roads, and although there were thousands of people, it was very quiet. Hushed communication; soldiers standing silent and stiff; propellers of a plane taxiing and taking off; smoke from the blasts settling into the air; rhythmic shots at invisible enemies; a sense of some presence looming on the horizon. Was this a small inkling of how the people of Normandy, or indeed any other invaded town, felt as the realization first dawned on them that they were being taken hostage? As I looked around, the feelings of the past settled on the scene around me like a blanket. Today children played, people talked, jugglers practiced their act, but their colours seemed muted—not a sound was uttered as balls were tossed back and forth; were the people silent in wonder and fear as the soldiers marched in, and the sound of terror cracked across the distance? Today modern guns shot their charges while honoured soldiers moved in formation and seagulls scattered in the air. The roar of seaplanes taking off easily became the propellered fighter planes of World War II. Was it the drone of planes they heard first once upon a time, or did explosions reach them first? Later, as the band played, patriotism and rejoicing stirred the hearts of all there and joined them as one body, singing out to God to protect our sovereign queen. Do you not think that cities released from bondage would cast aside their differences and dance with a neighbour, a stranger, an enemy, with thanksgiving and praise in their hearts? That is how it should always be, my brothers and sisters—what a world that would be! ...Then later still, the poppies were lovingly placed on wreathes surrounding the epitaph—simple symbols celebrating and mourning those who were lost, and remembering those who survive and those who continue to fight.

Lest We Forget.

Tuesday, November 9

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho...

Well, it's off to work I go! maybe I'll get a chance to post a better message later!

'night, folks!

Saturday, November 6

Warrior Poet in Training

Awww.... now *this* story just tears at the heart.... both with joy, and the sadness of the world today...

As some of the posts mention... Guys need to learn to be respectful and helpful to girls... but girls need to learn how to accept it gracefully... and help and encourage them when they succeed. It's hard to know sometimes how to approach someone who wants to change and who perhaps needs to change with wisdom, though.... hmm. I'll have to ponder this one.

Friday, November 5

Fortuitous Timing.... =o)

Just to say... God is good... Just as I was struggling with something almost so directly related to this it's scary, He sent me this reminder through a friend:

"I am beautiful, no matter what they say, words can't bring me down... I am beautiful in every single way, yes words can't bring me down... oh no... so don't you bring me down today"

and just in case you were wondering, no, I don't like Christina A. ... but these lyrics happen to be good. It's the exception that proves the rule, is all. =o)

While the singer may be telling herself that... we have a Lord who tells all of us that is *exactly* how He feels about us. We are beautiful, precious children in His sight. =o)

God bless, my beautiful friends.

Thursday, November 4

*in trouble*

Hmm... I have 2 midterms coming up tomorrow... Chem and Psyc... I just found out I got an even 60% on my last Bio midterm (noooo.... oh well... I guess I'm averaging a B in the course now...maybe studying would have been good..) and needless to say, I'm rather aprehensive... and yet seemingly doing everything in my power to *not* study for them... Like...this... =o/ I think I need prayer in a major way.... *goes off and does *work**....

Wednesday, November 3

Hmmm... election results?

So Bush has been reelected, hmm?

There's a comic I'd dearly like to make... perhaps I will, if I get enough school done tonight... =oD *goes back to work grinning away*

Tuesday, November 2

Sometimes I feel so Alone: discoveries of life

Yeah.. can't remember the song that's from specifically... Don't know most of the words, either. It's one someone gave me to listen to. =o)
  • A brief recap of recent events: I went and did a miserable geography lab yesterday on the beach in the miserable wet, wet, windy, wet weather, with a low-grade fever, to boot (mom said I'd shrink if I got much more water-logged); I had my second midterm for Biology today, which I didn't even wind up getting finished with all the reading for... which was bad, considering I missed a lot of lectures; I put in an english assignment 3 days late on thursday, and then promptly forgot about the lecture report that was due yesterday.. I'll have to write that up quickly; I have 2 midterms on friday (scary psyc, and happy chem)--and a lab, eeps, tomorrow; I've discovered the meaning of the word 'depression'; I still have not gotten up a lot of my thoughts here; I haven't been doing a lot of my daily reading; I'm thinking about the travel agent business with longing; Mom and I are taking steps toward possibly re-evaluating what I should be doing (translation, I might not wind up going to university for much longer/I might try getting into the arts program); I wish I could discuss thoughts more; I wish people took me seriously; I wish I took me seriously; I'm feeling uninteresting; I think that's most of the recent news.

  • A lot of Essie's thoughts really hit home today, especially the McLaughlan one (orhoweveryouspellit)

  • In general, I feel like life is passing me by, and no one's waiting. I feel like I'm in an interesting state with pretty well all of my friends... I guess everyone's changing.

  • Apparently I should get out and do more here at uvic... be involved in clubs and such, perhaps... volunteer, for sure. But I don't feel I have the time/energy to be involved.

  • Another side to that, is that it takes energy to make new friends, and that's energy I don't feel I have, I would rather extend myself to develop the friendships I have, but as I said.. everything's changing.

  • I've discovered something interesting... I have an easier time developing casual relationships with guys, but as for deep friends, I have more girls with that. (which is a good thing!)

  • ....Maybe that's because I don't feel the need to compete in the same way with guys.
  • I've discovered I'm quite competitive.

  • I've discovered I can be quite jealous.(of girls and guys alike--for different reasons...including just having a "spotlight" I wish I had)

  • Against all previous thought and rationalizing, I'm not a nice person.

And now that I've thouroughly depressed you all... I need to run, otherwise I won't get to sit next to Adam in Chem, so I can ask for the notes of the class I missed.

bye... may God bless you all.