What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Thursday, October 14

Well, I didn't manage yesterday, but I got a full rant for you today...

I'm afraid I lost out on yesterday's Bible study... I wound up losing track of time by doing other things... among them trying to complete a crossword which mom had filled in just the vowels on--without looking at the clues... =op it was fun, actually...

Anyways, this morning, I actually managed to have a good time of prayer and reading *and* make it to school on time... or only a couple of minutes late. 'o)

I meant to read Ezra today, as I had read a few chapters recently, but then I was thinking maybe proverbs. I opened my Bible to go to Ezra, and wound up sticking my finger right at the start of Proverbs. I chuckled, and started to go on, then though, what the heck, maybe I'll read a chapter of Proverbs first. So I flipped back. and started reading...:
"'Meaningless! Meaningless!'
says the Teacher.
'Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.'"

uh... now I don't know about you... but for those proverbs fans out there, you'll notice that is *not* how the book starts out! I looked back a page, and sure enough, I'd found the beginning of Ecclesiastes. It was interesting, though, so I kept going, chuckling at how on earth that could happen.
The first chapter of Ecclesiastes was really interesting for me. I've been noticing --and being convicted of--how much time I spend doing, well... nothing, really. Nothing that helps others, furthers God's kingdom, or even helps me in any significant way. This is what struck me about the chapter. If you read on, the author isn't saying that *nothing* has meaning, but nothing in this world has meaning. If it isn't towards the final goal of doing God's will, drawing closer to Him and bringing others to eternal rest in Christ... it reallly *will* be meaningless.
Now I'm all for leisure! There's always going to need to be times for me to relax, but lately it's been hitting me (with about the same comfort as a two-by-four) that even my leisure time needs to be carefully planned and utilized. The best (meaning both in terms of good for the mind/body/spirit and just good times) leisure time, in my eyes, should be either relaxing with friends or family, kicking back with either the Bible or a good Christian book... preferably either non-fiction, or "fiction with a purpose"--one that makes you think. Of course, there's other things too... like posting on this blog for instance, helps me focus and meditate on what's gone on during the day. And I'm certainly not saying that other things should be thrown out the window... but I think it should definetly be limited--even for these "extra good" things. I know for me, I'll pick up a good book, and I'm gone... five hours (and one and a half books) later, and I suddenly go... "oops..." I'll stay up until the wee hours because I'm "almost finished"...but then I'm tired and more prone to skip things the next day. The same thing happens with coming here online... I chat, I surf (waiting for friends to come on to chat with) and I waste an evening. The chatting can be good bonding time, of course... but wouldn't you rather be in person (providing of course, that's possible)? I know I would. If I did more work towards other things in the evenings, I'd have extra time to relax, or seek God during my week and weekends. It also doesn't help that chatting can be spotty, to say the least... you may not realize a friend's gone off to make dinner, and that's why they're taking 20 minutes to respond (heh, no, I promise it wasn't me!! 'o) In person it's hard to be talking to someone who's left and not realize it immediately!

Oh dear, this is turning into a rant, isn't it? *blushes* Okay, back on topic. My Bible recommended balancing the sometimes ...outlandish... ideas of Ecclesiastes with .. (guess which book!) Proverbs! So, I had a laugh over that and started Proverbs as well. It talked about three types of people in the world:
  • fools, who reject God's wisdom;
  • simple men, who are either too lazy to apply God's wisdom; and
  • mockers, who mock, sneer and taunt the wisdom of God.

soo... I'd say that's pretty humbling, wouldn't you? I think I've fallen into all of those categories at least a few times during my life. The "simple men" is especially irksome to my conscience...
God's life-plan is *not* one of complacency or ease. Just doing nothing doesn't work! If you're just letting life pass you by, you're ignoring God's commandment to take up your cross and follow Him. Who are we to say "I'll follow You later, God; I'll just stop and get a hot chocolate for now. I promise I'll catch up before I die." That's not following! It's not *Living*. I think it's one of the Devil's favorite tricks to tell us all that if we're not doing anything, well, at least we're not doing anything wrong! I've got to start letting God lead, and following in His footsteps immediately, like an eager child. Letting Him pull me through the hard times, and not wandering off for a rest stop and a doughnut.
*deep breath* Okay, Day One and we're still going pretty good... What've you got on the plan for Day Two, Lord?

*smiles* one last thing before I go... I was struggling with depression before I started this; amazing how taking God's words to heart can change an outlook!

God bless, my friends
Good night


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