What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Wednesday, October 13

Dare to Live

Hello and a warm Welcome. =o)
I have been meaning to publish this blog publicly for a while, and for those of you who keep encouraging me to do it, thank you, and here it is. I've been procrastinating, because I wanted to have it all fixed up with the a template done my own way... but for now I haven't been able to find the time, and I'd really like to just let this thing fly. =o) So if you ever come here and find the blog looking really off (or gone completely!)no worries, you've just caught me editing (although an email about it is appreciated if it lasts for more than a day, 'cause then I've gone off and forgotten to republish or something 'o)

Anyway. For a first post, I'd like to give you a little intro to what I hope to do with this blog. (and sorry in advance for the long post)
As the title might imply... this will--hopefully--be a challenge. To you, and to myself. Every week I would like to publish a post with a "challenge" --something to do, try or think about over the week. This will likely be on fridays or saturdays. Now, if all goes well, *I* should be doing that during the week as well, and I'll post about what came of that challenge. You're free to comment (or email when I get that link put up--oh, and I just realized I have to re-enter the haloscan commenting code...so I promise you'll be able to comment soon! =oD) about your experiences. Of course, you can comment or email about *anything*, but it'd be nice to get some feedback. Also, if you have ideas for challenges, that'd be awesome too, 'cause I have a feeling I just might run out. 'o)

Secondly, I hope to use this as a bit of a devotions journal... I'm not having much luck with getting an accountability partner for devos, so I'll try and write blog posts about what I read each day... and therefore, when I *didn't* read. =o)

Now anyways... an idea for a blog similar to this has been floating around in my head for some time, but it wasn't until I saw a list of 100 Beautiful Things on Esther's Blog that the structure for this blog really began to take solid shape. I decided I wanted to try to list 100 beautiful things, and so this is your, and my, first challenge.
I will write up my list by the weekend, and have it(plus some more links and something to my user profile) up then, but for now I have some more work to do on an english draft... and I have to do devotions. 'o)

So for now, Good night!

God bless, and love to you all. =o)



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