What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Wednesday, April 12

Many Points to a Single Page

Go Here.

Four things to note:

1. The comic is funny.
2. The Boo plushies are adorable. (note: when I originally posted this, the boo plushies were part of that days' news post, but they have been changed, so yeah...now it's on a different day. :P)
3. The story linked to in Dom's post is weird and a bit scary.
4. The rest of Dom's post sounds like something I'd want to do but be too lazy/scared to do it. :P

now to sleep, perchance to dream...


Blogger D-Rock said...

What on earth... What a wierd news report. Seriously, one day somebody will be arrested for smiling at a funeral. The charge: liking death too much. *shakes head*

Some people and their government. :P

13/4/06 23:55

Blogger Sari said...

clearly you've never been to a fairmont fair with Mr Mallett as the cop..... :D

14/4/06 00:00

Blogger D-Rock said...

*chuckles* What was your first clue? Maybe that I have no idea what fairmont is... ;)

15/4/06 18:38


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