What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Wednesday, February 22

In the Home Stretch

Just because I need to think about something else for a few minutes... I figured I'd give y'all a heads-up on how my new template is going. =o) It's about 90% done, and I'm quite happy with it. My biggest problem at the moment is not getting caught up in all the extra fancy stuff I could do... and leaving that until after I have the basic layout solidified and working properly. =o)

Anyway, it is almost ready so be excited kids! heehee

God bless

//edit: I'm *so* not having any luck on the whole "not looking into all the little extras I could put on" problem.. :P

*goes back to wading through html*


Blogger D-Rock said...

hehe .. awesome! I can hardly wait to see how it looks for you! :)


23/2/06 18:36


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