What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Thursday, November 18

. . . .s . n . i . p . p . e . t . s. . . .


  • I feel like I'm climbing a mountain with no end in sight.
                  No end at all?

Every time I reach a summit, ¤ Every time I finish one thing,
another one lies just beyond. ¤ another one waits in its place.

      • I've come to realize many things about life, about my life; wrongs that need to be mended, changes that need to be made, questions that
        need to be asked.

  • I need more sleep.

    • I have found out for 100% sure I am going to Colorado this summer. In June I'll spend 3 glorious days with 11 other young women with hearts for God! Praise the Lord!

          • A project which has taken me approximately 2 hours to complete once I started, took 2 weeks of fiddling beforehand.

  • two people working + one person without work = much less work completed

  • two people working > one person working

  • work is not bad.

      • Find it curious that most often, posts with the most meaning get almost no comments, and posts with little substance get many.

    • Wow... so that’s why my ankle’s been tender. Nice bruise. No idea why.

        • My hand hurts when I stretch it out, too.

      • I have to squint too much to read some fonts online. My eyes get tired.

  • My back, neck, shoulders all ache most of the time...

    • ...I feel old... and it sure isn't maturity of mind that makes me feel that way!

...I made the marquee tag do what I wanted it to...
          • I made a dinner that included my first attempt at cheese sauce... and it was good, too!

      • I keep hearing about weddings, and marriages. I want to be married. Tough. God's not finished with me yet.

  • I've cut my tongue a hundred times,
  • when I bit off something that shouldn't be said...
              ...and cut hearts a thousand times when I didn't.

          • On Monday, I led the study for JV (Junior Varsity—Awana for grades 7&8) I decided to do the study on peace, and I hope I did all right. It seemed to go better than I expected, despite getting my cross stuck, and being less organized than I tried to be (and forgetting just where it was I wanted which verse to be read... I also got the order of verses I wanted read wrong, but I got the main ones right, which was good), but what I really want is the message to have gotten through. I'm sure there were things I could have done better. Read Romans 5:1-11.

  • Mary Ann thanked me for doing the JV that week. And complimented me. That was nice of her.


      • Going to one class a day is getting to be a

    • Did research on rocks we collected on the beach in our Geog lab groups. Let Shawn put what he liked. Couldn't think.
      ...You know, although he's annoying, he's not as bad as he once seemed. Is that a good sign or a bad sign?

            • Didn't get to see One-man Lord of the Rings again, Geography lab was right on top of it.

              A shame.

    • Finished annotated bibliography for English.

      • I'm happy it's the weekend next, but I work on Saturday, that means I'll have little time to get my work done. Good thing I did the calculations for chem lab yesterday.

  • Found out how much I can get attached to a mass of pixels, am mourning the loss of said mass. It was blue and had a great grin. Possible to get it back? Maybe.

        • Mother told me that research has shown that some sort of eye disease stems from spending too much time in front of the computer screen. I wonder how many billions were spent on that research? The amount per day they found this on was 9 hours. I predict next year they'll discover the same thing, only for say, 8 hours a day.


                  • School will be over.

                • Christmas will be here.

            • I'll give Kathleen her birthday present.

          • I'll give someone else *last* year's Christmas present.

        • It will be the weekend.

  • I'll get to go to akx.

  • I'll pray.

        • Tomorrow evening two of the elders from my church, Bob Gill and John Sheppy, will be coming over and talking to me...interviewing me... about my faith. It's for baptism. I always thought there would be some sort of ... course? I would take... but apparently all they need is to talk with me about my beliefs, my walk, the Lover of my life...
          I'll be baptized around Christmas, so Meli should be able to be there! Now I just have to work it out so that D won't be *gone*.
          I want to speak for myself when I am baptized. Where's the box I can check off to tell them that? When do I tell them that? When will they tell me the date of my baptism? Could I have Mr Mallett do the honours? Why didn't I think of asking him last week? Scratch that, I did think of it. Why didn't I do it?
          My life's chaotic now. What will they think when I say I've hardly picked up my Bible the last few days?
            I get to wear a black robe.

          • Part of me wishes I could be baptised at camp, but the other half knows there's many friends and family here, even people I don't know that well in the church who would like to see it, and you never know, it might even benefit them.

        • What could be more wonderful than being dunked?

            • The symbol of dying to sin, and rising again?

    • For the One who died for sin, and rose again.

Thank You, precious Lord Jesus.


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