What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Saturday, October 30

Lynn Johnston, Johnny Hart, Cathy Guisewite and all the rest... Be Warned: I may make a mockery of your profession.

So what did I do yesterday? School, a bit of blog posting, a lot of laziness, and a bit of cartooning. That's right. I drew a comic strip. One sunday edition, and one regular. Although, the "Sunday" one needs colouring. 'o) *hides* I'll do my absolute best to get the stuff I've been promising up this weekend (If anyone still believes that I waill do it sometime... =op ) But I have an online psyc assignment (that's supposed to take upwards of at least 3 hours) due monday night, two online Chem quizzes due sunday night (or is it monday?), Have to figure out what on earth I'm supposed to do for English on monday, and I have a bio midterm on tuesday... *shudders* Oooh, boy, do I need help. =oO Anywho... I should eat breakfast, me thinks. So adios, amigos! *waves* God bless.

Thursday, October 28

The Stupidity of Currency
...*and* ...
The Day I Cried Again

Hola all you lucky people who don't have to deal with currency!

As per the first part of my title; I discovered what a rip off money is. No joke. Today mom got me a money order for $150 US... the deposit for (hopefully!) a weekend in Colorado with 12 other 18-35 year old women led by Leslie Ludy. Now.... I dunno about you, but I've never dealt with money orders before. I was trying to get the thing filled out quickly, and so when I saw the back and "signature" ... I figured that's me, right? I mean, how do you give money to someone without signing it..... Well, for those of you who are used to doing money orders, you'll be shaking your head at me right now. You're right. I'm wrong. Here's the deal: if you're sending a money order YOU DON'T NEED TO SIGN. Actually, if you *do* sign in that ambiguously labeled 'signature' box... there is (apparently) nothing you can do but go back and make the order out to yourself. Then you cash it. Then you buy another money order. ...However, you don't just pay the $4 for the money. No. You then learn you actually had to pay *more* than the exchange rate to get the money. I'm starting to think I should have just found out the exchange rate, made up a check in canadian funds for that amount, and prayed they didn't tear it to shreds if the Canadian dollar dropped by the time it was received.... *SO* We learned that it doesn't cost just the deceptive $4 to send a money order; it actually costs around $13. Actually, $26, if you endorse the back by mistake. I'm screaming and running in the other direction if a money order every comes my way again. =o| All I can say is... there'd better be space in the weekends!! Otherwise... it'll be $26 dollars for nothing =o/ Unless I save it for next time....

As for the second half of my title... I broke my streak of 2, 3... or maybe it was even 4! days without crying today. Let's just say stress and low self-esteem seem to have gotten the better of me today. =oS

I promise I'm getting to those 100 beautiful things, by the way... Check out the people who have already done them and posted:


Enjoy reading, I know I did. =o)

God bless, all

Wednesday, October 20


or wait... it's wednesday, isn't it? wow... yikes, that's bad!
So it's another one of those days where I'm sitting on my lunch break, and no one's on to chat with. tsk! So, I guess I may as well post how wel I've been living up to my own challenges.... =o| So far, I *am* working on my list of 100 beautiful things... and so far no one (that I know of) has taken up the challenge and beaten me to 100 things... so I guess I'm free and clear. =op
As for Bible reading, there's some thoughts I still haven't posted, so I should, but I'm ashamed to say that I haven't done any on saturday, sunday, monday or tuesday... =o| Definetly not good.
On the school front, my average is about as good (still looking for a study partner--I'm taking offers.. you don't have to be doing the same stuff as me, just working on some form of schoolwork =o)
...And I just remembered that I need to finish reading my lab manual section for today!!!! =o| Yipes... Prayers would be appreciated for this new lab section I've switched into; I had difficulties understanding/making myself understood with my previous lab instructor... and so I hope this one will be a bit more helpful. =o/ *prays* =o)
God bless =o)

Sunday, October 17


Tonight I launched into something I haven't talked about in... too long!
A girl from my cabin at camp came onto msn tonight and asked me the question "Is it bad for a girl my age to have a good boyfriend?" Talk about a question I'd love to hear more often!!! For those of you who don't know... I believe God will bring to me the man I will one day marry, and that I can wait, without "looking" for a guy because He knows who is perfect for me. Well anyway... I was glad I could talk to her, but she may now think that I'm just certifiably insane... =o/

The thing is... talking about it made me realize how little I've talked about it lately. And that's no good thing. I have this huge passion for just this sort of thing: chucking dating out the window and saying hello to God's love story. But I've been ignoring it, or at least forgetting about it, for a while. I've wrestled with taking the 'pen' of my life (and love) story back from God and just "adding a few minor details." I've been forgetting to renew my commitment to Him, and to my future husband, daily. To both I would have to apologize. It isn't so much that I've not been happy being single... I suppose actually the word I want would be joyful or content. Because when my focus is on God, I am very happy to be single. Take this morning for instance... in church I could not stop the tears from trailing down... this mix of incredibly joyful love, heartache and the humbling knowledge that I am nothing, and He is everything. The knowledge of my singleness was certainly on my mind... but not being a stumbling block. Looking at some of the loving husbands and wives there caused a longing, but that longing is fulfilled in Christ. Marriage is a beautiful gem on the horizon, but if I live looking at the horizon, I will lose sight of my Saviour right beside me. I've been neglecting to really think of singleness as an opportunity to be used... and I'm certainly not making the most of my time. =o(

Now it's really getting late (regardless of when I started writing this post) ... so I won't be able to post my list of 100 beautiful things until tomorrow. =o( sorry, for those of you eagerly awaiting it... if there are any! 'op

Anyhow... *looks over post* not precisely a pearl of wisdom... but my thoughts, nonetheless.
Good night!
God bless you all

Friday, October 15

No longer bored

Thanks, Meli for making me kill myself laughing... and thanks, Joel, for being such a good sport! 'o)

(poor guys.. they always get teased.....)

*yawns hugely* 5 hours a night doesn't do me good...

'Night all!
God bless

Bored tonight...

*sits here listening to music* Definetely Maybe is Definetly Maybe getting me down...something about that song, it makes me so sad. =o( ...guess I should write up what I read about today, hmm? =o) all right *makes a new post*

Thursday, October 14

Dare you to Move

Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next?
What happens next?

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before

Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
The tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened

Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself
Lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened before

Dare You to Move/Switchfoot

Well, I didn't manage yesterday, but I got a full rant for you today...

I'm afraid I lost out on yesterday's Bible study... I wound up losing track of time by doing other things... among them trying to complete a crossword which mom had filled in just the vowels on--without looking at the clues... =op it was fun, actually...

Anyways, this morning, I actually managed to have a good time of prayer and reading *and* make it to school on time... or only a couple of minutes late. 'o)

I meant to read Ezra today, as I had read a few chapters recently, but then I was thinking maybe proverbs. I opened my Bible to go to Ezra, and wound up sticking my finger right at the start of Proverbs. I chuckled, and started to go on, then though, what the heck, maybe I'll read a chapter of Proverbs first. So I flipped back. and started reading...:
"'Meaningless! Meaningless!'
says the Teacher.
'Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.'"

uh... now I don't know about you... but for those proverbs fans out there, you'll notice that is *not* how the book starts out! I looked back a page, and sure enough, I'd found the beginning of Ecclesiastes. It was interesting, though, so I kept going, chuckling at how on earth that could happen.
The first chapter of Ecclesiastes was really interesting for me. I've been noticing --and being convicted of--how much time I spend doing, well... nothing, really. Nothing that helps others, furthers God's kingdom, or even helps me in any significant way. This is what struck me about the chapter. If you read on, the author isn't saying that *nothing* has meaning, but nothing in this world has meaning. If it isn't towards the final goal of doing God's will, drawing closer to Him and bringing others to eternal rest in Christ... it reallly *will* be meaningless.
Now I'm all for leisure! There's always going to need to be times for me to relax, but lately it's been hitting me (with about the same comfort as a two-by-four) that even my leisure time needs to be carefully planned and utilized. The best (meaning both in terms of good for the mind/body/spirit and just good times) leisure time, in my eyes, should be either relaxing with friends or family, kicking back with either the Bible or a good Christian book... preferably either non-fiction, or "fiction with a purpose"--one that makes you think. Of course, there's other things too... like posting on this blog for instance, helps me focus and meditate on what's gone on during the day. And I'm certainly not saying that other things should be thrown out the window... but I think it should definetly be limited--even for these "extra good" things. I know for me, I'll pick up a good book, and I'm gone... five hours (and one and a half books) later, and I suddenly go... "oops..." I'll stay up until the wee hours because I'm "almost finished"...but then I'm tired and more prone to skip things the next day. The same thing happens with coming here online... I chat, I surf (waiting for friends to come on to chat with) and I waste an evening. The chatting can be good bonding time, of course... but wouldn't you rather be in person (providing of course, that's possible)? I know I would. If I did more work towards other things in the evenings, I'd have extra time to relax, or seek God during my week and weekends. It also doesn't help that chatting can be spotty, to say the least... you may not realize a friend's gone off to make dinner, and that's why they're taking 20 minutes to respond (heh, no, I promise it wasn't me!! 'o) In person it's hard to be talking to someone who's left and not realize it immediately!

Oh dear, this is turning into a rant, isn't it? *blushes* Okay, back on topic. My Bible recommended balancing the sometimes ...outlandish... ideas of Ecclesiastes with .. (guess which book!) Proverbs! So, I had a laugh over that and started Proverbs as well. It talked about three types of people in the world:
  • fools, who reject God's wisdom;
  • simple men, who are either too lazy to apply God's wisdom; and
  • mockers, who mock, sneer and taunt the wisdom of God.

soo... I'd say that's pretty humbling, wouldn't you? I think I've fallen into all of those categories at least a few times during my life. The "simple men" is especially irksome to my conscience...
God's life-plan is *not* one of complacency or ease. Just doing nothing doesn't work! If you're just letting life pass you by, you're ignoring God's commandment to take up your cross and follow Him. Who are we to say "I'll follow You later, God; I'll just stop and get a hot chocolate for now. I promise I'll catch up before I die." That's not following! It's not *Living*. I think it's one of the Devil's favorite tricks to tell us all that if we're not doing anything, well, at least we're not doing anything wrong! I've got to start letting God lead, and following in His footsteps immediately, like an eager child. Letting Him pull me through the hard times, and not wandering off for a rest stop and a doughnut.
*deep breath* Okay, Day One and we're still going pretty good... What've you got on the plan for Day Two, Lord?

*smiles* one last thing before I go... I was struggling with depression before I started this; amazing how taking God's words to heart can change an outlook!

God bless, my friends
Good night

Wednesday, October 13

Dare to Live

Hello and a warm Welcome. =o)
I have been meaning to publish this blog publicly for a while, and for those of you who keep encouraging me to do it, thank you, and here it is. I've been procrastinating, because I wanted to have it all fixed up with the a template done my own way... but for now I haven't been able to find the time, and I'd really like to just let this thing fly. =o) So if you ever come here and find the blog looking really off (or gone completely!)no worries, you've just caught me editing (although an email about it is appreciated if it lasts for more than a day, 'cause then I've gone off and forgotten to republish or something 'o)

Anyway. For a first post, I'd like to give you a little intro to what I hope to do with this blog. (and sorry in advance for the long post)
As the title might imply... this will--hopefully--be a challenge. To you, and to myself. Every week I would like to publish a post with a "challenge" --something to do, try or think about over the week. This will likely be on fridays or saturdays. Now, if all goes well, *I* should be doing that during the week as well, and I'll post about what came of that challenge. You're free to comment (or email when I get that link put up--oh, and I just realized I have to re-enter the haloscan commenting code...so I promise you'll be able to comment soon! =oD) about your experiences. Of course, you can comment or email about *anything*, but it'd be nice to get some feedback. Also, if you have ideas for challenges, that'd be awesome too, 'cause I have a feeling I just might run out. 'o)

Secondly, I hope to use this as a bit of a devotions journal... I'm not having much luck with getting an accountability partner for devos, so I'll try and write blog posts about what I read each day... and therefore, when I *didn't* read. =o)

Now anyways... an idea for a blog similar to this has been floating around in my head for some time, but it wasn't until I saw a list of 100 Beautiful Things on Esther's Blog that the structure for this blog really began to take solid shape. I decided I wanted to try to list 100 beautiful things, and so this is your, and my, first challenge.
I will write up my list by the weekend, and have it(plus some more links and something to my user profile) up then, but for now I have some more work to do on an english draft... and I have to do devotions. 'o)

So for now, Good night!

God bless, and love to you all. =o)
