What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Sunday, October 17


Tonight I launched into something I haven't talked about in... too long!
A girl from my cabin at camp came onto msn tonight and asked me the question "Is it bad for a girl my age to have a good boyfriend?" Talk about a question I'd love to hear more often!!! For those of you who don't know... I believe God will bring to me the man I will one day marry, and that I can wait, without "looking" for a guy because He knows who is perfect for me. Well anyway... I was glad I could talk to her, but she may now think that I'm just certifiably insane... =o/

The thing is... talking about it made me realize how little I've talked about it lately. And that's no good thing. I have this huge passion for just this sort of thing: chucking dating out the window and saying hello to God's love story. But I've been ignoring it, or at least forgetting about it, for a while. I've wrestled with taking the 'pen' of my life (and love) story back from God and just "adding a few minor details." I've been forgetting to renew my commitment to Him, and to my future husband, daily. To both I would have to apologize. It isn't so much that I've not been happy being single... I suppose actually the word I want would be joyful or content. Because when my focus is on God, I am very happy to be single. Take this morning for instance... in church I could not stop the tears from trailing down... this mix of incredibly joyful love, heartache and the humbling knowledge that I am nothing, and He is everything. The knowledge of my singleness was certainly on my mind... but not being a stumbling block. Looking at some of the loving husbands and wives there caused a longing, but that longing is fulfilled in Christ. Marriage is a beautiful gem on the horizon, but if I live looking at the horizon, I will lose sight of my Saviour right beside me. I've been neglecting to really think of singleness as an opportunity to be used... and I'm certainly not making the most of my time. =o(

Now it's really getting late (regardless of when I started writing this post) ... so I won't be able to post my list of 100 beautiful things until tomorrow. =o( sorry, for those of you eagerly awaiting it... if there are any! 'op

Anyhow... *looks over post* not precisely a pearl of wisdom... but my thoughts, nonetheless.
Good night!
God bless you all


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