What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Wednesday, February 22

In the Home Stretch

Just because I need to think about something else for a few minutes... I figured I'd give y'all a heads-up on how my new template is going. =o) It's about 90% done, and I'm quite happy with it. My biggest problem at the moment is not getting caught up in all the extra fancy stuff I could do... and leaving that until after I have the basic layout solidified and working properly. =o)

Anyway, it is almost ready so be excited kids! heehee

God bless

//edit: I'm *so* not having any luck on the whole "not looking into all the little extras I could put on" problem.. :P

*goes back to wading through html*

God and American Idol?

So... browsing as I was... I came across something I hadn't expected...

While checking out some of the things the Top 24 American Idol Contestants had to say... I started to become quite amazed. (sorry, I'm quite sure that link will change while the show goes on, so soon it totally won't be valid... :/)

Taylor Hicks:
"Do you have any rituals or things you do each time you perform?
Pray, count heads.
If you win, who will you thank first?

Even more specific from Stevie Scott
"If you win, who will you thank first?
My savior, Jesus Christ."

And from Melissa McGhee:
"What are your personal goals in life?
To succeed in the music industry, have a beautiful marriage, and stay on the path with God."

"Do you have any rituals or things you do each time you perform?
I pray and vocalize.
Who are your heroes in life?
Jesus is my hero. He saved my life.
If you win, who will you thank first?
Jesus! He's so good to me."

Wow, you can't get more clear than that! I started to really get excited, and you know what, I was blown away! There were *fifteen* out of twenty four people who mentioned at least two of thanking God, saying a prayer, listing Jesus as their role model, etc etc (Bobby Bennet also answered that he said a prayer before going on) in their interview... and many of them were very specific about the role Jesus played in their lives: Savior.
I appologize if I'm making too big a deal about this, but I think it's dead awesome!

Here's the other contestants (besides those already mentioned) who spoke up for God in interviews that would be seen by thousands of people:

Paris Bennet
Will Makar
Jose "Sway" Penala
Gedeon McKinney
Kinnik Sky
Kellie Pickler
David Radford
Elliot Yamin
Brenna Gethers
Heather Cox
Chris Daugherty

Rock on, all of you.

Saturday, February 18


Subliminal message or not on the 6th songs... I always love them.
This is the song I wanted you to hear, bro. May you be free. =o)


I'm feeling feel fine
'Cos there's nothing that I want to change
I'm right on time
for the atmosphere to rearrange
'Cos I've got wings so watch me fly

And I'm free to be the man you want me to be
I'm alive when I'm alive in you
And I'm free to be the one you said I could be
I'm alive 'cos you're alive, I'm alive when I'm alive in you

Lord, you've let me see
I need strength to let you carry me
And love was right on time
When faith and hope were on the line
And I've got wings so watch me fly

And I'm free to be the man you want me to be
I'm alive when I'm alive in you
And I'm free to be the one you dreamt I could be
I'm alive 'cos you're alive, I'm alive 'cos you're alive
I'm alive 'cos you're alive in me

You're all I ever want
You're all I ever need
It's all I ever want
To be free

Written by Martin Smith/Stu Garrard/Jon Thatcher ©2003 Curious? Music UK

The Room

While rifling lightly through the ancient past of old blogs, I came upon this again, from Derek's old blog. Go check it out. It's worth another read.

Friday, February 17

All tied up... and loving it!

Well I appologize for the lack of posting and the lack of finishing the art, but I've been working on my new blog layout. Hopefully it'll be up soon (and I'm *really* starting to get excited about it! :D)

Tuesday, February 14

[new art][Love...]

Love comes in all shapes and sizes. Love is what Valentine's Day is really all about. That's the idea I tried to capture in this short series of drawings. Parents and children, friends, siblings... Sadly I only got three out of six of the images done today. Hopefully I'll be able to finish the rest today/tomorrow and get them up too, as well as livening up the background. =o)
God bless and much love to you all ♥

Share the Love!

My Favorite Valentine's Day Comics from today:
Adam@Home by Brian Basset

Zits by Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

Drabble by Kevin Fagan

Peanuts by Charles Shultz

And finally... A favorite webcomic of mine did a special story arc... Click the links in order. 'o)
(the girl is Ethan's girlfriend and her name is Lilah. That's all you need to know.)

Number One
Number Two
Number Three

Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. :D

Monday, February 13

Comments, Crafting and Continuing Conundrums

All right, just a few blog-setting issues to get out of the way first:

1) some of you may have noticed that the older comments went *poof* And I'm not 100% sure why, if it was a glitch on the server, something that happened when I was playing with my template, or something else entirely... Regardless, the long and short of it is that I'm Leaving Haloscan and letting blogger handle the comments. The bad news is obviously that the comments were lost, the good side is that since most of the comments were gone, transferring comments over were relatively easy. I reposted on Blogger all the salvaged comments and therefore all your comments (and my replies, heh) appear to have been posted somewhere between 11 and 11:30 of tonight... =oP Ah well, what can I say? I just have lightning-fast reply powers.

2) The blog is also back to it's very default template, as I attempt to work in the blogger tags properly into my custom layout. =o) What's the layout like, you ask? Well, I'll tell you this much: it's not snowboards! (sorry, Derek. 'o) Anyway, this means Links are Down and commenting links are weird for a bit. In case you cared.

4) So while I was reposting the comments, I realized I never replied to one that I really should have. In this untitled post I said "Someone ask me a question about life or love or liberty or disco.... then I can answer it. I think I should be a question and answer forum or something." But when someone asked me a question (or seven) I didn't answer. So here, for your ...entertainment?, is the comment and my responses:

"questions...... ah! *What* is your name??! *What* is your quest??! ......*What* .......is the average air velocity of a coconut-laden swallow?! *grins* ok... so seriously? ...What 's up with Isaiah? Why are you reading that, and what are you learning?"
//Ivan the Terrible

What is your name?
Sari (Sarah in full) ...but you knew that.
Point: Me, 'cause Sarah's a nice name to have.

What is your quest?
Currently trying to rescue Deckard Cain. But you knew that too (and it's yours, too). In life? To... live for God and to find His contentment wherever I turn... it's...not an easy goal.
Point: Me, because you're silly enough to keep asking questions you already know the answers to.

What is the average air velocity of a coconut-laden swallow?
The average air velocity of a coconut-laden swallow depends on the size, weight, shape of the swallow, the size, weight, shape of the coconut(s), the current weather conditions, the current wind velocity (because those ruffled feathers slow a bird down you know), how much the swallow wants to get to the destination and (arguably least important) a bunch of complex mathematical formulae that I don't know.
Point: the swallow who can carry a coconut.

so seriously?
Yes, seriously.
Point: You, because my scoring seems to be getting biased.

What's up with Isaiah?
He was a true prophet of the LORD who wasn't afraid to speak what God laid on his heart.
Point: Isaiah, hands down.

(part a) Why're you reading that...
I'm not sure why I was reading it at the time (actually...I think I might have been planning on reading the books written by the prophets looking specifically at what God was like...) but now I'm reading it because I'm trying to answer these questions.
Point: No one.

(part b) ...and what are you learning?
Well...quite a lot, actually. The graphicdescription in the first chapter of how sin is like a festering wound is... jarring. And (again in chapter one) the thought that without God leaving "some survivors" in Israel, they would have become like Sodom and Gomorrah. Likewise, without the redemption we have through Christ's blood as the remnant, we would be completely consumed, and destroyed, by sin. Even here God foreshadows the gift Christ will eventually give to mankind in the reference to being washed white as snow.
The next thing I notice here is the theme of chapter two -- all the glory, beauty, technology... everything made by man... everything will disappear. Man will be humbled and brought low. And... I can't say it better than the Bible does: "Men will flee to caves in the rocks and to holes in the ground from dread of the LORD and the splendor of His majesty, when He rises to shake the earth." (Isaiah 2:19)
I want to go on, but I think I'll have to look it over more and make it a separte post because firstly, this one's getting long, and secondly, it's getting late and I'm getting even more tired than I was before. :)
Point: Me, because I got to read about God through Isaiah.

If you made it to the end, congratulations!

God bless and goodnight all. =o)

Thursday, February 9

[art][My Happy Ending]

My Happy Ending // Avril Lavigne

image is © 2006 by Sari

Oh my.... ohmyohmyohmyoh..... oh......oh.

Thanks to Applegeeks I came across This.





Oh. My.
If that's only for mac... I want a mac. And that. That. That, definetly. That. mmmmmmmmmm.