What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Wednesday, April 27

**URGENT**: A POLL!!!!!!

Okay gang! I need help quick!! I'm going for a haircut-- WHAT SHOULD I DO??? :P
(Note: the medium would mostly just mean a re-styling of what I've got now... and because I'm a moron, I forgot to add one of the good images I've got, so if you want to, you can check it out below the poll- it'd be a 'medium' style)

Which Hairstyle should I go with? Please click the links and read the comments before voting! Thank you!!
Short Hair
Medium Hair
Loooong Hair!


Free polls from Pollhost.com

Extra Pic #1
Extra Pic #2
Extra Pic #3

And then there's this one with just some fun things that have been done with my hair :P


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