What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Wednesday, January 5

School Daze!

Okay, so like that title hasn't been used a hundred thousand times before... =oP Oh well!

School starts tomorrow, and I'm taking 4 courses instead of 5 this term I think... got it all planned out, and here's to hoping the plan will continue through the term!!

Though this news is all fine and dandy, that's not the Daze part of it... THAT is from today: My Geography mark finally went up, and I PASSED!!!!! With a C even! Better than a D, and WAAAAAAAAAAY better than a Failure!!! =oD =oD =oD =oD So I'm incredibly excited!! I just hope I do a little better this term all in all =o)

...now I'm up late doing bad things... so I'm going to bed. =o$ I hope to fix my layout soon. =oD

Byes all!
God bless!!


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