What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Thursday, December 16


Well, I am DONE my exams for the season!!!!!!!

*celebrates like mad*

Actually, I finished this exam an hour early... only I didn't realize that until Kathleen told me it was five to 11... not five to 12! =oD

Okay, brief synopsis:

English and Psych I got a B on for both! Yayhoo! (there were no final exams, you see, but I did get the last english lecture report in on time to not get an incomplete--aka FAIL--mark.. which relieved me greatly!!!)

Chemistry--went awesome! it was out of 140 marks, so I can get a lot wrong and still do just great. I felt confident about most of the questions, so yay!

Geography--As I've said numerous times.. I'd be surprised if I didn't fail the exam, and consequently the course. I only had two days to study between it and Chem, and aside from being all short/long answer, a lot of the questions were suuuuuuper specific, eg. Draw and label these organisms.... *coughcough* umm... what if we can't remember what those exact ones look like? =o(

Biology--Just finished and am sitting at school typing... I think it went quite well. I think I likely got something in the B range for it. Which means a B overall in the course, which would be excellent. =o)

Um.... Yes... look for lots more posts soon, I hope! =oD And be looking for info on my baptism, which I should be sending out later today! =oD

God bless, everyone!


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