What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Saturday, January 1

HAPPY NEW YEAR, All You Lovely People!!!!!


Well, it's officially the year of our LORD Two Thousand and Five! Here I am sitting with my good friend Meli... *huggles her as she transfers cards to their new home* *quite literally... on both counts* I'm pleased to say we did *not* miss the passing of the Old Year, although we came perilously close... 'o) Silly movies! =oP I'm sorry I'm a little off, as it's not really 12 am on the nosey (although I could backdate and make it so =oP) ...but I was busy changing the sheets on my bed. Twice. *sigh* I should have changed them again, as I put them on upside down, but I really didn't have the heart--or patience--for that!

So we rented polar opposites, and watched Princess Diaries II this evening... tomorrow we go for X2 :P

On a bright note, I managed to set up the DVD player/recorder... (too... many... colour coded sets of...holes!!!!) So go Sarah Go! (With Gratitude to the advice of awesomest Meli!)

And now... the chatting grows nigh, so SEE YA THIS YEAR! :P


(I hope. 'o)
HAPPY NEW YEAR! ...use it wisely......use it wisely... HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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