What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Saturday, May 14


As y'all might have figured out, I'm home *nudges msn display name* ...well, that is if anyone's around to *see* it! *coughpeoplegetonlineandfillmeincough* In synopsis, I had a wonderful time, and I have a loooong post coming about all the great and not so great stuff coming, so:


PS: If you're bored, there's a great read over at Elfwood! And those of you who know me I'm sure can guess that I'm toying with creating an account in the art section for now, as I don't write that many stories, although I think them a lot... bye for now -- I hope someone shows up to clear up this confusion 'cause I'm really lost as to what's going on here.... *mutters at "Ivan" and his unclear unclaritious instant messages that make her even more confused* ..maybe there's an email that explains? *trundles off to check*


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