What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Friday, January 21

'Ware. The. AVALANCHE.

I just beat a mountain.

I just raced down the slopes at the head--and sometimes nearing the middle--of an avalanche.

In my dreams?

Well, at least in my game.

For those of you who don't know, I'm addicted to 1080°: Avalanche, the best game *ever*.

I just beat the Final Challenge in the Expert mode.
Contrary to previous levels, after beating the other video players in expert mode, you get unlimited tries at the Final Challenge, where it's just you.... And the Mountain. And believe me: You NEED those unlimited tries.

In this Final Challenge you're situated at the top of a very unstable portion of mountain. Before your helicopter pilot can even finish debriefing you, he screams "AVALANCHE!" and you GO.
This means you're being dogged by the avalanche every step of the way.. man, what an adrenaline rush!!!

After I finally made it to the end of the run, my character (Ricky, seen here and here) went off the edge of a cliff and into the helicopter as a dramatic finish.

Then the credits started to roll.. I was proud, but I still wanted more--and I suspected there was more. I was right.
Not only did I unlock a new costume for Ricky (seen here) a hidden set of runs was unlocked. The Extreme mode. Seven more glorious runs.

I think I need to loan this game to someone before I get so good no one will be able to beat me. *is so humble*

Bye for now, all! Mom wants to play solitaire!

Monday, January 10

They're learning how to share... how sweet.

Well, today has been absolutely horrifically horrid. I spent all of last night (from about 2 or 3 am onward) in my bathroom next to the toilet, vomitting about once every half hour/ fifteen minutes. I slept for maybe two hours last night. It continued this morning, with the invervals increasing slightly, until I was pretty much done upchucking around 5 or so. Yay for me. I slept a fair deal today, but I still feel rather rotten. I think I'm somewhat dehydrated, as I've only been able to keep about 2 glasses (maybe three now) of water down today, so yeah... not doing so hot. (and wanting as much sympathy as I can get, of course! 'o) I got this nasty flu from my little 2 year old son of my cousin... brother to the now 4 year old cousin who gave me chicken pox last year at this time. When I ask *why* do they keep giving me these disgusting ailments, Meli suggested perhaps they were learning how to share... Goodie for me! =oP And now mom's got the same thing, poor dear... =oS

Anyway, as much sleep as I've had today, I need more... and I'm still feeling rather under the weather, so I'm signing off... God bless all, and STAY AWAY FROM CHILDREN LEARNING TO SHARE!!!!

Wednesday, January 5

School Daze!

Okay, so like that title hasn't been used a hundred thousand times before... =oP Oh well!

School starts tomorrow, and I'm taking 4 courses instead of 5 this term I think... got it all planned out, and here's to hoping the plan will continue through the term!!

Though this news is all fine and dandy, that's not the Daze part of it... THAT is from today: My Geography mark finally went up, and I PASSED!!!!! With a C even! Better than a D, and WAAAAAAAAAAY better than a Failure!!! =oD =oD =oD =oD So I'm incredibly excited!! I just hope I do a little better this term all in all =o)

...now I'm up late doing bad things... so I'm going to bed. =o$ I hope to fix my layout soon. =oD

Byes all!
God bless!!

Saturday, January 1

HAPPY NEW YEAR, All You Lovely People!!!!!


Well, it's officially the year of our LORD Two Thousand and Five! Here I am sitting with my good friend Meli... *huggles her as she transfers cards to their new home* *quite literally... on both counts* I'm pleased to say we did *not* miss the passing of the Old Year, although we came perilously close... 'o) Silly movies! =oP I'm sorry I'm a little off, as it's not really 12 am on the nosey (although I could backdate and make it so =oP) ...but I was busy changing the sheets on my bed. Twice. *sigh* I should have changed them again, as I put them on upside down, but I really didn't have the heart--or patience--for that!

So we rented polar opposites, and watched Princess Diaries II this evening... tomorrow we go for X2 :P

On a bright note, I managed to set up the DVD player/recorder... (too... many... colour coded sets of...holes!!!!) So go Sarah Go! (With Gratitude to the advice of awesomest Meli!)

And now... the chatting grows nigh, so SEE YA THIS YEAR! :P


(I hope. 'o)
HAPPY NEW YEAR! ...use it wisely......use it wisely... HAPPY NEW YEAR!