What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Thursday, June 30

Be Still.

In keeping with my thoughts lately of the value of a quiet spirit... I'm not going to talk much in this post. Instead I'll just suggest you print off these references, take them to a place that's quiet and away from everything and just take some time to read and meditate.

Philippians 4:6-9 ~ Proverbs 2:1-6 ~ Psalms 46:10 (and the rest of it too); 91:14-16, 103:8, 20-23; 104:24-30, 34; 130: 5-6; 44:6-8 ~ Ecclesiastes 5:2; James 4; 5:13-20.

God bless

To Listen to Know

Ecclesiastes 4:13-16, 5:1-7 Proverbs 8

Note: these passages are all in NIV as I'm on a very slow computer (heehee) and can't get to the different pages very quickly so .... yeeeah. You can look up different versions if you want. =o) I'll try and fix it when I get home. 'o)

I'm skipping just a bit forward in each book, I know. I have partly done posts for the post that should come chronologicaly next. Um yeah. But at camp we had a solitude time with God for 3 hours today and this devotion was standing out. So here I am.

David exhorts readers to listen for wisdom. Sound easy? It's not. Sources of wisdom are all around if we look; people, the Bible, the Holy Spirit, all are great sources of wisdom, but to become wise we need more. I've been thinking there are 3 major steps in becoming wise

1) Become still to attune yourself to God. Stillness is almost non-existant in today's fast paced world, but it is essential to hearing God.

2) Once your spirit is still, listen for God, listen to wisdom. Remember what you learn.

3) Take the wisdom to heart. Practice it daily. Make it a part of your life. Don't despise wisdom because it's not the easy way, or it doesn't fit in with society.

The king featured in the end of Ecclesiastes 4 has forgotten how to listen. His heart is not stilled. He doesn't heed the warnings (I assume from his advisors) and so falls into ruin as a king. This is a clear illustration of what happens to us when we are not attentive to God. Our lives fall into ruin, even if we had been good examples of God in the past. People see this in us. If we think that no one will notice, we're only fooling ourselves.

Ecclesiastes 5 clearly spells out the importance of thought before speech. Verse 2 especially hits home for me. I'll too easily blurt out whatever comes to mind. A friend of mine (you know who you are 'o) always takes time to think before he speaks. It's something I think we could often do better at... think before you speak, so easy to say, so hard to do. Verse 2 also tells us that God has much to tell us, and we have a LOT to learn, but stillness is the key to hearing Him, and obedience is the key to living the life of the wise.

Verse 4 is a barb to me and fellow procrastinators, I'm sure. Doing things right away is hard for me, but it's important to God.

The lessons for Camp this year deal with masks, so verses five and six are a good tie in to that. It's like wearing a mask when we make vows just to make ourselves look good. Only pledge what you can keep your word on. Ananias and his wife Saphira show what happen when you try to do that -- they tried to pretend they were donating all the money for the sale of their vinyard to the church, but wound up keeping a lot of it for themselves. God struck both of them dead for their deceit. Yeah. Let's all keep our promises, eh?

Well yeah, Let's all listen up for God, hmm?

Sunday, June 12


Wow! Here I am in GORGEOUS Breckenridge, Colorado! In case anyone is wondering why I'm wasting my precious time here on the internet, check the time. It's five freakin' am. Heehee... well, nearly six, but I went to bed later last night (not sure when, but I managed to climb the ladder to the loft area I share with Rena in the pitch dark -- Yay! What can I say? I'm just *that* good! 'o) (if you're wondering why I was up so late, I was drawing to relax) Also I'm waiting for everyone in this room to finish with their showers, so yeah. =o)

How am I doing you ask? It is Awesome!! Eric, Leslie, Janet (Leslie's mom) and Annie (the young woman helping coordinate the weekend and Nanny Hudson Jack -- The B) are amazing and such wonderful people to be around! The girls here are great; Everyone is getting along really well. =o) We're just sad that today is the last day for most of us (I'm staying on in Denver with Victoria and Stephanie).

More to come later, but I should get ready for breakfast and packing up the last little bit of my stuff.

Oh yeah... Rena just told me... it's snowing again! Go snow in June!!! (gotta love mountains 'o)

God bless everyone!!

See you soon!

Thursday, June 9

Funny comics and excitement 'o)

Well, tomorrow--erm, todayyyy....-- I head to Vancouver for the afternoon before catching a flight to Colorado early Friday morning! Colorado = The Ludy Conference = ohmygoodnessimustbeinheaven

...for those of you who had forgotten I was going until last week, I'm sorry. 'o)

For those of you who didn't get my email on time, sowwy! Maybe next time leave me your phone number! Heehee! 'oP Don't be worried, though.... I'll stalk you when I get home. =oD

For those of you who want a laugh, try this
(Warning: May not be suitable for all audiences. Platform discretion is advised.)

I might actually have internet for parts of sunday/monday/tuesday ... the likelihood of me actually using that when I'm there... is not great, but I might pop on to do something silly. =oP

Toodles, kids! Have lots of fun without me! *waves*

Tuesday, June 7

crying into the dishwater

I watched the proverbial sunrise
coming up over the Pacific and
you might think I'm losing my mind,
but I will shy away from the specifics...

'cause I don't want you to know where I am
'cause then you'll see my heart
in the saddest state it's ever been.

This is no place to try and live my life.

Stop right there. That's exactly where I lost it.
See that line. Well I never should have crossed it.
Stop right there. Well I never should have said
that it's the very moment that
I wish that I could take back.

I'm sorry for the person I became.
I'm sorry that it took so long for me to change.
I'm ready to try and never become that way again
'cause who I am hates who I've been.
Who I am hates who I've been.

I talk to absolutely no one.
Couldn't keep to myself enough.
And the things bottled inside have finally begun
to create so much pressure that I’ll soon blow up.

I heard the reverberating footsteps
sinking up to the beating of my heart,
and I was positive that unless I got myself together,
I would watch me fall apart.

And I can’t let that happen again
‘cause then you’ll see my heart
in the saddest state it’s ever been.

This is no place to try and live my life.

[Pre-Chorus x2]

Who I am hates who I've been
and who I am won’t take the second chance you gave me.
Who I am hates who I’ve been
‘cause who I’ve been only ever made me...

So sorry for the person I became.
So sorry that it took so long for me to change.
I’m ready to try and never become that way again
‘cause who I am hates who I’ve been.
Who I am hates who I’ve been.

Relient K // who i am hates who i've been

Sunday, June 5

Firefox is BACK.

Those of you who've been in touch with me may have been subjected to my piteous laments about the loss of my firefox browser... you'll be pleased to know that they will be no more, because firefox is back on this computer! Also I conceed to Derek that Netscape is from the d-e-v-i-hockeystick. Rawr. It was because of netscape that I could not install firefox. Don't know why but netscape seemed to override the installation program, trying to install itself again and thus messing up the progy to no end until it did nothing. Harumph. Netscape is now happily deleted and firefox running smoothly.

For those of you curious as to my findings for different browsers, here they are in top 4 order:

2) Opera
3) Internet Explorer
-350,284,958,493) Netscape.

So for those of you masochistic enough to actually be curious as to WHY I chose as I did... Read on! :D

Netscape: is by far the worst because although it out-preforms IE in speed (who knows why it's slower than IE on Derek's computer. His must be messed.) and tabbed browsing, it developed an odd, and very annoying, problem... on pages with log in names and passwords it tended to sign me out.. I tried doing things with cookies and such but no go... *shrugs* after I was presented with 4 straight log in pages I went berserk and hunted down a new browser. Find feature is as good/bad as IE's. Problem with preventing me from getting Firefox again for so long causes it to lose mondo points. Note: it does have a built-in search bar, but it's not a google, it's a random search engine that's not so hot. Definetly slower start-up speed than the others, but decent page-loading speed.

Internet Explorer: isn't great. It's duber slow. No tabbed browsing. Poor find feature. No built-in search bar. Magnet for viruses. Magnet for adware/spyware. Most popular isn't always best. At least it doesn't log in or try and come between my love and I! *clutches the fox dramatically* yep, it is 2 am for those wondering... 2:30 now...

Opera is not a bad browser at all... I had huge problems contending with the cache function... it's stupid having to refresh every page to see something new, when re-clicking on the link should be good enough. Tabbed browsing is nice, and the option to open it either on top or in the background was a plus. The banner ad at the top was slightly annoying but easy to tune out, and even better when I somehow managed to accidentally change the type of banner to a non-animated one. Find function: no better/worse than IE and netscape. A nice plus: some html tags that generally only work in IE, like coloured scrollbars, worked in Opera. Another plus, built-in google search bar. The start up of opera gave you the option to start on a blank page, the home page, or the page (or multiple pages) you were last on before it closed. (multi pages thingy happened after the browser crashed) On the negative side, like netscape and IE, Opera doesn't save (least not that I found in the couple of days I used it exclusively) form information... like general search boxes or log in boxes you might want to retype... A pity. Right clicking on a link has the first option as just opening the page. If it's all the same to you, when I take the trouble to right click, I want to do something *OTHER* than just click the link and go there. I want a new window, man! It also changed the size of some pop up flash game windows... for reasons unkown... and a few instances (reoccuring, so it's not just a glitch) that would not require a refresh on the other browsers required Opera to refresh. Also, form info was randomly (but not all the time) lost when using the back button. No obvious (at least to me) way to choose from a drop down list of pages in the history... eg, if you wanted to go back three pages, you can often click the little arrow by the back button and choose that page straight from there. Not so in opera. Although it does have the feature that appears to make it go back to the very page it started on? Queer, but not entirely sure it'd be that useful. Pages left open for a while sometimes stopped showing certain graphics for reasons unkown. It also had the odd habit of telling me there was a problem and I should send an error report every time I shut down the browser. ...I'm in error because I'm not using the browser perchance?
The end story? A good browser for most people, I just play a certain addicting site where these small things add up.

And last but in NO way least:
Firefox! is the bestest browser ever! Go get it here... NOW. C'mon. It's free. What do you have to lose? (and oh so much you have to gain!)

Advantages: tabbed browsing, fast, little to no popups (usually only when you allow a site, never seen it otherwise), find as you type feature, built in google search bar, right click menu gets you new window first and new tab second, ignored by many spy/ad ware stuff, cool logo, cool name, some saved form info (usually the stuff that's useful, and not bothering with the stuff that's not -- how does it KNOW??) with user-friendly paths to erase stored info, no weird logging out, no weird form loss, no weird picture disappears, no weird running.

Disadvantages: graphics don't always work the same way on IE as firefox. But that's more or less the norm for most non-IE platforms. If the web developers can't be bothered to make it look at least decent in multi-platforms, I think twice about the product. 'o)
Aside from that... it can be 'dominated' by netscape? I dunno. Just don't bother with netscape and stick to fire and opera... hmmm fire and opera, that sounds musical....

Signing off at 2:54 am.
good morning?