What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Thursday, December 16


Well, I am DONE my exams for the season!!!!!!!

*celebrates like mad*

Actually, I finished this exam an hour early... only I didn't realize that until Kathleen told me it was five to 11... not five to 12! =oD

Okay, brief synopsis:

English and Psych I got a B on for both! Yayhoo! (there were no final exams, you see, but I did get the last english lecture report in on time to not get an incomplete--aka FAIL--mark.. which relieved me greatly!!!)

Chemistry--went awesome! it was out of 140 marks, so I can get a lot wrong and still do just great. I felt confident about most of the questions, so yay!

Geography--As I've said numerous times.. I'd be surprised if I didn't fail the exam, and consequently the course. I only had two days to study between it and Chem, and aside from being all short/long answer, a lot of the questions were suuuuuuper specific, eg. Draw and label these organisms.... *coughcough* umm... what if we can't remember what those exact ones look like? =o(

Biology--Just finished and am sitting at school typing... I think it went quite well. I think I likely got something in the B range for it. Which means a B overall in the course, which would be excellent. =o)

Um.... Yes... look for lots more posts soon, I hope! =oD And be looking for info on my baptism, which I should be sending out later today! =oD

God bless, everyone!

And one last time...

Bio exam tomorrow (today I guess... thursday, anyway xD) at nine am.... :D

Good news, a puppy is doing super well... I"ll explain later! :D

Saturday, December 11

Here we go again....

Hi, I've got another final exam tonight... this one for Geography, and I'm really concerned about it both because I missed a.... good number of classes, and I failed my last midterm, and also because it's apparently *all* short/long answer; no multiple choice. =o(

If you could please pray, that would be excellent!

God bless

Friday, December 10

just because

just because it's 5 am... and I'm up... still. and if you guys knew why... i dunno what you'd do to me! xD =oP bye! I'm going to *sleeeeeeeeep*

Thursday, December 9

i am in vis i ble

therefore no one will comment

therefore no one is there

therefore no one will see this


knock, knock? anyone there? am i here?
am i a person? am i here? am i your friend...?

it's only the dumb posts or the posts that are totally self-pitying/completely depressed that get comments. the only comments on my good posts are either just very general or maybe (once or twice perhaps? no more.) sincere, but then a conversation in the comment box degrades them. thanks guys

except now you'll all want to prove you comment. or you'll feel guilty for not commenting. or talking to me. so you'll comment. or maybe you'll read this and think you shouldn't comment. catch twenty two, eh?
gotta love those catches.

if you want to know what to do for me, look at what i try to do for you. i honestly do my best to think of what i would like someone to do for me in the same situation. and then i do it. at least i try. and i do try. and i succeed more these days.
there's a post in my head about discovering how the fact that giving from yourself (as in a friendship) isn't giving if you expect something back. that's buying, then. but i'll tell you right now, it's bloody rotten to keep giving and not get support until you've already fallen. until you're already battered and bruised and on your way back up again.

my life revolves around friends that i've never met and who are not you. thrilling, eh?

at least i get better at html.

poor sarah
poor sari

i'm fine of course. how could i be otherwise. in fact, i'm doing better than ever. that's what people tell me.
but i'm not good enough. always doing something wrong. that's sari.

jesus? you mean it's not a cuss word? no one tells me that anymore. i don't get encouragement. so i'm getting baptized, and i should be at the high point of my life. so. so. so what?

        (can we say bitter? probably.)

sari gets to be wish on a star now
so there.

Exam Time! ...

Okay, just a quick post to let you all know that my first exam (in Chemistry) is this evening, from 7-10pm. So needless to say, I'm rather scared, and would certainly appreciate prayer! =oS


See you!

Tuesday, December 7

and the blog acts up again...

Sorry for not posting lately... I have a ton stored in my head, but am too busy/lazy to put them down. =o(

And the blog's doing weird things once more... although I have changed nothing, the sidebar's kicking around at the bottom again... *sighs* *shakes head sadly* the wonders of technology. =oP