What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Saturday, May 14


As y'all might have figured out, I'm home *nudges msn display name* ...well, that is if anyone's around to *see* it! *coughpeoplegetonlineandfillmeincough* In synopsis, I had a wonderful time, and I have a loooong post coming about all the great and not so great stuff coming, so:


PS: If you're bored, there's a great read over at Elfwood! And those of you who know me I'm sure can guess that I'm toying with creating an account in the art section for now, as I don't write that many stories, although I think them a lot... bye for now -- I hope someone shows up to clear up this confusion 'cause I'm really lost as to what's going on here.... *mutters at "Ivan" and his unclear unclaritious instant messages that make her even more confused* ..maybe there's an email that explains? *trundles off to check*

Thursday, May 5

Uhhhh Heh... oops!

Yes folks, I *am* a loser! I'm gonna get off posting for yet another week! I'm so sorry :( I keep promising I'll get more up and I don't. =o/ But I will soon! I will! :D

.... just... not this week. For those of you who don't know, I'm heading out to California first thing on friday morning. If you could, please pray for safety on the trip, and for my aunt who's coming along with us who is not a Christian....

AND... pray we don't forget anything... and are not the victims of a shooting road rage :P

Niters all!