What would happen if you let God challenge you...?

Friday, March 24

A Break from Tradition

Breaking from the vein of the day (in the comic sense, at least), here's another link (listen to it too! it's not complete without sound!). This one was borne of an argument over whether Darth Maul's lightsabre is a lightsabre (lightsaber for you yanks) or a bowstaff. I think I won on the lightsabre business (it's a lightsabre), but holy smokes, kudos to derek for pointing me towards that seven year old. egads...

[edit: it's also been confirmed that "bowstaff" is actually not a word.. heehee... it's the type of staff that is called a Bo. Nancy Drew teaches you stuff like that.. (at least as long as you can read it and not feel ill for doing so....)]

Today is Comic Day... Apparently...

So, German sounds Threataning, eh? ...I think a few of my friends might take offense to hear that! *laughs*

...plus with fun words like Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung and Pipapo, how can you *not* like German?!

(Thanks Veronica.. for teaching me those words.. heehee... )

Just Add Tic Tacs

So judging by all your enthusiastic response to my last post... xD

Here's something funny!

..it was funny...

...to me, anyway..

Thursday, March 16

Dear Sarah,

We are pleased to be able to offer you a volunteer crew position this summer as outlined in the enclosed agreement to participate form.
...I hereby agree to participate in the S.A.L.T.S. program as: Watch Leader, aboard the Pacific Swift, Trip #3, July 28 - August 6, 2006.


Check it Out!

Now the difficult part begins... figuring out how to get from port hardy back to chetwynd, heehee... one would think that being further north than Victoria to start with would lower the travel time... but not really. As of right now we're thinking of taking the ferry from Port Hardy up to Prince Rupert, and then across to Chetwynd. That trip would be 15 hours on the ferry and a further 17 hours on the bus. Mom says the passage is gorgeous though, and I would hardly doubt it. We're even thinking of making a little bit of a trip out of it, with mom coming up and making the run up to Prince Rupert with me.
The time it'd take to go down to Nanaimo, take that ferry to Vancouver, and then head back up is comperable... just with a whole lot more bus (bleh) so Prince Rupert looks like the place to be!

I am SO excited.

Mkay, gotta run and actually study some more now... God bless, all!

Friday, March 3

heehee...it's totally genetic...

Thought y'all might get a kick out of this:

Mom was mentioning how she rarely checks email anymore... like, usually I dealt with that, in any case, but while I was at camp she checked hers a fair bit more. I started thinking though that, since the closing of my email account from my highschool, the prayer requests went to her inbox. So tonight I decided to check it out.

...I think she has me topped for most new messages in a single sitting... a hundred and thirty? oh, my word....